SAN DIEGO -- Republican Lt. Governor nominee Ron Nehring this afternoon issued the following statement in response to incumbent Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom's latest refusal to debate.
"There's more than a whiff of the incumbent's well-known arrogance in this latest refusal to accept any of the multiple media invitations to a Lt. Governor debate. It demonstrates an unfortunate disregard for the voters and our democratic traditions for any incumbent to refuse to be challenged on his ideas, his qualifications and his record.
"This is the same arrogance that has caused the incumbent so many problems even in his own party, ranging from the refusal of his fellow Democrats to make the required appointments to the state's Economic Development Commission which he chairs, a badly strained relationship with Governor Brown, and even being escorted out of the room when legislation is debated in the Senate.
"Let's have a robust debate about the future of California, about whether one party rule is working, and how we can restore balance to our state government.
"There's more than a whiff of the incumbent's well-known arrogance in this latest refusal to accept any of the multiple media invitations to a Lt. Governor debate. It demonstrates an unfortunate disregard for the voters and our democratic traditions for any incumbent to refuse to be challenged on his ideas, his qualifications and his record.
"This is the same arrogance that has caused the incumbent so many problems even in his own party, ranging from the refusal of his fellow Democrats to make the required appointments to the state's Economic Development Commission which he chairs, a badly strained relationship with Governor Brown, and even being escorted out of the room when legislation is debated in the Senate.
"Let's have a robust debate about the future of California, about whether one party rule is working, and how we can restore balance to our state government.