Biden's gaffes have insulted African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Indian-Americans, Latinos, Jews, women
LOS ANGELES -- Republican Lt. Governor nominee Ron Nehring will be on hand tomorrow morning in San Bernardino County to "welcome" Vice President Joe Biden to California as Democrats turn to the gaffe-prone Vice President to drive turnout.
Curiously, in turning to Biden Democrats are relying on a surrogate whose long list of gaffes includes insults to women, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latinos, Jews, Indian-Americans and other groups.
"When campaigning in the nation's most ethnically diverse state, Joe Biden is quite the choice," said Nehring. "One would think they would send him someplace where he hasn't insulted large numbers of people. Like Canada."
Joe Biden: Inappropriate for California
In 2011, Biden Endorsed China's One Child Policy, Which Includes Forced-Sterilization And Abortion. "Vice President Biden has emphatically backed away from his apparent endorsement of China's one-child policy. ...The one-child policy has rested on coercion, including forced sterilization and abortion, as well as incentives." (Editorial, "Mr. Biden Stumbles In China, Twice," The Washington Post, 8/24/11)
Biden: "Your Policy Has Been One Which I Fully Understand - I'm Not Second Guessing - Of One Child Per Family." (Vice President Joe Biden, Remarks On U.S.-China Relations At Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, 8/21/11)
Biden Referred To Lenders Of "Bad Loans" To People Serving In The Military As "Shylocks," A Derogatory Term For Jews. BIDEN: "'That's one of the things that he finds was most in need when he was over there in Iraq for a year,' Biden said, 'that people would come to him and talk about what was happening to them at home in terms of foreclosures, in terms of bad loans that were being...I mean these Shylocks who took advantage of, um, these women and men while overseas.'" (Ashley Killough, "Jewish Group Chides Biden For Using Offensive Term," CNN, 9/17/14)
Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League National Director: "Shylock Represents The Medieval Stereotype About Jews And Remains An Offensive Characterization To This Day. The Vice President Should Have Been More Careful." (Ashley Killough, "Jewish Group Chides Biden For Using 'Offensive' Term," CNN, 9/17/14)
While Recalling A Meeting With The First Prime Minister Of Singapore, Biden Referred To Him As "The Wisest Man In The Orient." "'On the way back from Mumbai to go meet with President Xi in China, I stopped in Singapore to meet with a guy named Lee Kuan Yew, who most foreign policy experts around the world say is the wisest man in the Orient,' explained Biden in his remarks at a kick-off rally for the Nuns on the Bus 'We the People, We the Voters' bus tour." (Sean Sullivan, "Joe Biden Pulls Off A Gaffe Hat Trick," The Washington Post's Post Politics Blog, 9/17/14)
The Word "Orient" Is Not Just Outdated But Is Seen As Offensive When Used In Reference To People. "The word 'Orient' is considered widely outdated and could be perceived as offensive, or insensitive, especially when used in reference to people." (Shushannah Walshe, "Joe Biden Refers To Asia As 'The Orient,'" ABC's The Note Blog, 9/17/14)
In October 2012, At A Restaurant In Florida, Biden Asked A Patron, "Are You Indian?" "According to the pool report, a man came up to Biden as he was greeting patrons shouting, 'You've got to get a picture with some guys!' Biden turned to the group of guys, then, according to the pool report, Biden asked one of them, 'Are you Indian?' 'American!' the man responded. 'No, I mean first generation,' Biden replied, 'with the further explanation of what he was saying being inaudible to the pool.'" (Zeke Miller, "Joe Biden: 'Are You Indian?' Man: 'American!'" BuzzFeed, 10/31/12)
In 2010, During A Title IX Speech At George Washington University, Joe Biden Referred To Women's Lacrosse Players As "Gazelles". BIDEN: "'Women's lacrosse is my favorite sport. It's like watching gazelles.'" (Joe Biden, Title IX Speech, George Washington University, 4/20/10)
At A Campaign Event In Virginia In 2012, Biden Told The Audience That Republicans Would "Put You All Back In Chains." "Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that a Republican-led effort to loosen new regulations on Wall Street would put voters 'back in chains.' 'Romney wants to, he said in the first 100 days, he's gonna let the big banks again write their own rules,' Biden said of the GOP nominee's proposals to roll back the Obama administration's financial reforms. 'Unchain Wall Street!' Lowering his voice, Biden added, 'They're going to put you all back in chains.' Danville city is about 48 percent black, according to 2011 census numbers. The audience of about 800 at the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research here in Danville reflected the area's demography." (Carrie Dann, "Biden Tells Audience Banks Would Put Them 'Back In Chains,'" NBC News' "First Read," 8/14/12)
In January 2012, Biden Imitated An Indian Accent When Talking About Call Center Jobs. "In a speech in New Hampshire on Thursday, while talking about call center jobs, United States vice president Joe Biden appeared to slip into an 'Indian' accent before thinking better of it and stopping in mid-sentence." (Heather Timmons, "Oh No, Joe! The Indian Accent Comes Again," The New York Times' "India Ink," 6/5/12)
During A Debate In 2007, Biden Said He Traveled To The "Black Sections" Of His Town To Promote AIDs Testing And Condom Use. BIDEN: "I spent last summer going through the black sections of my town, holding rallies in parks, trying to get black men to understand it is not unmanly to wear a condom, getting women to understand they can say no, getting people in the position where testing matters. I got tested for AIDS." (Sen. Joe Biden, PBS All American Forum At Howard University, Washington, DC, 6/28/07)
"At That, Obama Shot Biden A You've-Got-To-Be-Kidding Glance." (Michael Finnegan and Peter Nicholas, "Democrats Court Black Audience," Los Angeles Times, 6/29/07)
The Day Biden Announced His 2008 Presidential Bid, He Called Obama "The First Mainstream African-American Who Is Articulate And Bright And Clean And A Nice-Looking Guy." "Senator Joe Biden, D-Del., the loquacious chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who launched his presidential campaign today, may be experiencing an ailment not entirely unknown to him: foot in mouth disease. Biden is taking some heat for comments he made to the New York Observer, in which he said of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., a rival for the nomination: 'I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man.'" (Jake Tapper, "A Biden Problem: Foot In Mouth," ABC News, 1/31/07)
Biden Was Forced To Defend His Statement Immediately After Announcing His Bid For The White House. "Biden got right to the matter that has threatened his candidacy before it even gets off the ground. The Delaware senator spent his first day as an official candidate ...explaining his statement that Obama is 'the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean,' raising questions about how he viewed other blacks (sic) candidates." (Nedra Pickler, "Biden Tells Dems He Regrets Obama Remark," The Associated Press, 2/3/07)
In January 2006, Biden Made Insensitive Comments About Indian-Americans, Claiming An Indian Accent Is Required To Go To 7-Elevens In Delaware. BIDEN: "You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts [in Delaware] unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." (Mark Leibovich, "Political Memo; Voters Hearing Countless Ways Of Saying 'Sorry,'" The New York Times, 9/1/06)
Campaigning In Iowa In 2012, Biden Introduced Himself As "Joe Finnegan" To A Woman With An Irish Last Name. "Karen Foley, 35, approached and introduced herself, saying, 'Hi, nice to meet you.' VPOTUS chatted for a minute or two with her. Later Ms. Foley told pooler that VPOTUS jokingly introduced himself, saying 'I'm Joe Finnegan' because her own last name is Irish. 'I said, 'No you're not. I know who you are.' He said, 'You're very pretty.' After Ms. Foley said she was a state employee in the Department of Human Services, she said, 'He said he didn't want to keep us from our lunch and soak up taxpayer money.''" (Alexander Burns, "From Bidenopoulos To Finnegan," Politico's 44, 10/4/12)
Visiting A Restaurant In August 2012, Joe Biden Greeted Greek Americans By Saying, "I'm Joe Bidenopoulos." "The vice president strode into a local restaurant here with a message for the Greek-Americans enjoying their lunch: 'I'm Joe Bidenopoulos.'" (Jennifer Epstein, "VP: 'I'm Joe Bidenopoulos,'" Politico's "44," 8/31/12)
LOS ANGELES -- Republican Lt. Governor nominee Ron Nehring will be on hand tomorrow morning in San Bernardino County to "welcome" Vice President Joe Biden to California as Democrats turn to the gaffe-prone Vice President to drive turnout.
Curiously, in turning to Biden Democrats are relying on a surrogate whose long list of gaffes includes insults to women, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latinos, Jews, Indian-Americans and other groups.
"When campaigning in the nation's most ethnically diverse state, Joe Biden is quite the choice," said Nehring. "One would think they would send him someplace where he hasn't insulted large numbers of people. Like Canada."
Joe Biden: Inappropriate for California
In 2011, Biden Endorsed China's One Child Policy, Which Includes Forced-Sterilization And Abortion. "Vice President Biden has emphatically backed away from his apparent endorsement of China's one-child policy. ...The one-child policy has rested on coercion, including forced sterilization and abortion, as well as incentives." (Editorial, "Mr. Biden Stumbles In China, Twice," The Washington Post, 8/24/11)
Biden: "Your Policy Has Been One Which I Fully Understand - I'm Not Second Guessing - Of One Child Per Family." (Vice President Joe Biden, Remarks On U.S.-China Relations At Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, 8/21/11)
Biden Referred To Lenders Of "Bad Loans" To People Serving In The Military As "Shylocks," A Derogatory Term For Jews. BIDEN: "'That's one of the things that he finds was most in need when he was over there in Iraq for a year,' Biden said, 'that people would come to him and talk about what was happening to them at home in terms of foreclosures, in terms of bad loans that were being...I mean these Shylocks who took advantage of, um, these women and men while overseas.'" (Ashley Killough, "Jewish Group Chides Biden For Using Offensive Term," CNN, 9/17/14)
Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League National Director: "Shylock Represents The Medieval Stereotype About Jews And Remains An Offensive Characterization To This Day. The Vice President Should Have Been More Careful." (Ashley Killough, "Jewish Group Chides Biden For Using 'Offensive' Term," CNN, 9/17/14)
While Recalling A Meeting With The First Prime Minister Of Singapore, Biden Referred To Him As "The Wisest Man In The Orient." "'On the way back from Mumbai to go meet with President Xi in China, I stopped in Singapore to meet with a guy named Lee Kuan Yew, who most foreign policy experts around the world say is the wisest man in the Orient,' explained Biden in his remarks at a kick-off rally for the Nuns on the Bus 'We the People, We the Voters' bus tour." (Sean Sullivan, "Joe Biden Pulls Off A Gaffe Hat Trick," The Washington Post's Post Politics Blog, 9/17/14)
The Word "Orient" Is Not Just Outdated But Is Seen As Offensive When Used In Reference To People. "The word 'Orient' is considered widely outdated and could be perceived as offensive, or insensitive, especially when used in reference to people." (Shushannah Walshe, "Joe Biden Refers To Asia As 'The Orient,'" ABC's The Note Blog, 9/17/14)
In October 2012, At A Restaurant In Florida, Biden Asked A Patron, "Are You Indian?" "According to the pool report, a man came up to Biden as he was greeting patrons shouting, 'You've got to get a picture with some guys!' Biden turned to the group of guys, then, according to the pool report, Biden asked one of them, 'Are you Indian?' 'American!' the man responded. 'No, I mean first generation,' Biden replied, 'with the further explanation of what he was saying being inaudible to the pool.'" (Zeke Miller, "Joe Biden: 'Are You Indian?' Man: 'American!'" BuzzFeed, 10/31/12)
In 2010, During A Title IX Speech At George Washington University, Joe Biden Referred To Women's Lacrosse Players As "Gazelles". BIDEN: "'Women's lacrosse is my favorite sport. It's like watching gazelles.'" (Joe Biden, Title IX Speech, George Washington University, 4/20/10)
At A Campaign Event In Virginia In 2012, Biden Told The Audience That Republicans Would "Put You All Back In Chains." "Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that a Republican-led effort to loosen new regulations on Wall Street would put voters 'back in chains.' 'Romney wants to, he said in the first 100 days, he's gonna let the big banks again write their own rules,' Biden said of the GOP nominee's proposals to roll back the Obama administration's financial reforms. 'Unchain Wall Street!' Lowering his voice, Biden added, 'They're going to put you all back in chains.' Danville city is about 48 percent black, according to 2011 census numbers. The audience of about 800 at the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research here in Danville reflected the area's demography." (Carrie Dann, "Biden Tells Audience Banks Would Put Them 'Back In Chains,'" NBC News' "First Read," 8/14/12)
In January 2012, Biden Imitated An Indian Accent When Talking About Call Center Jobs. "In a speech in New Hampshire on Thursday, while talking about call center jobs, United States vice president Joe Biden appeared to slip into an 'Indian' accent before thinking better of it and stopping in mid-sentence." (Heather Timmons, "Oh No, Joe! The Indian Accent Comes Again," The New York Times' "India Ink," 6/5/12)
During A Debate In 2007, Biden Said He Traveled To The "Black Sections" Of His Town To Promote AIDs Testing And Condom Use. BIDEN: "I spent last summer going through the black sections of my town, holding rallies in parks, trying to get black men to understand it is not unmanly to wear a condom, getting women to understand they can say no, getting people in the position where testing matters. I got tested for AIDS." (Sen. Joe Biden, PBS All American Forum At Howard University, Washington, DC, 6/28/07)
"At That, Obama Shot Biden A You've-Got-To-Be-Kidding Glance." (Michael Finnegan and Peter Nicholas, "Democrats Court Black Audience," Los Angeles Times, 6/29/07)
The Day Biden Announced His 2008 Presidential Bid, He Called Obama "The First Mainstream African-American Who Is Articulate And Bright And Clean And A Nice-Looking Guy." "Senator Joe Biden, D-Del., the loquacious chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who launched his presidential campaign today, may be experiencing an ailment not entirely unknown to him: foot in mouth disease. Biden is taking some heat for comments he made to the New York Observer, in which he said of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., a rival for the nomination: 'I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man.'" (Jake Tapper, "A Biden Problem: Foot In Mouth," ABC News, 1/31/07)
Biden Was Forced To Defend His Statement Immediately After Announcing His Bid For The White House. "Biden got right to the matter that has threatened his candidacy before it even gets off the ground. The Delaware senator spent his first day as an official candidate ...explaining his statement that Obama is 'the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean,' raising questions about how he viewed other blacks (sic) candidates." (Nedra Pickler, "Biden Tells Dems He Regrets Obama Remark," The Associated Press, 2/3/07)
In January 2006, Biden Made Insensitive Comments About Indian-Americans, Claiming An Indian Accent Is Required To Go To 7-Elevens In Delaware. BIDEN: "You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts [in Delaware] unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." (Mark Leibovich, "Political Memo; Voters Hearing Countless Ways Of Saying 'Sorry,'" The New York Times, 9/1/06)
Campaigning In Iowa In 2012, Biden Introduced Himself As "Joe Finnegan" To A Woman With An Irish Last Name. "Karen Foley, 35, approached and introduced herself, saying, 'Hi, nice to meet you.' VPOTUS chatted for a minute or two with her. Later Ms. Foley told pooler that VPOTUS jokingly introduced himself, saying 'I'm Joe Finnegan' because her own last name is Irish. 'I said, 'No you're not. I know who you are.' He said, 'You're very pretty.' After Ms. Foley said she was a state employee in the Department of Human Services, she said, 'He said he didn't want to keep us from our lunch and soak up taxpayer money.''" (Alexander Burns, "From Bidenopoulos To Finnegan," Politico's 44, 10/4/12)
Visiting A Restaurant In August 2012, Joe Biden Greeted Greek Americans By Saying, "I'm Joe Bidenopoulos." "The vice president strode into a local restaurant here with a message for the Greek-Americans enjoying their lunch: 'I'm Joe Bidenopoulos.'" (Jennifer Epstein, "VP: 'I'm Joe Bidenopoulos,'" Politico's "44," 8/31/12)